Consistent packaging. All Cajun Boy Brand is packed under constant supervision by our overseas staff. Therefore, there are no surprises in packing or quality. We demand a certain level of quality and consistency and reject that which does not meet our standards. What we reject usually gets packed in our competitor's boxes.

No soaking, no injecting. None of Cajun Boy Brand product is soaked or injected with any weight additive chemicals. They are simply glazed in order to better preserve the fillets.

Strict chemical and antibiotic testing standards. We require all of our suppliers to do a thorough testing for all chemicals and antibiotics. We will only accept product that has been tested and is deemed free of any additives. In addition, once a container load arrives in the United States, it is often tested for chemicals by a U.S. laboratory, even if not required by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). We will gladly provide you any and all testing results for your records.

100% net weight. Many competitors pack a 75-85% net weight product. All Cajun Boy Brand product is net weight.

No fraud equals good business. All Cajun Boy Brand product complies with all Federal and State guidelines. Many companies use fraud to bypass tariff obligations. Although they may be cheaper, they usually cannot be a long-term partner.

Customers stay in constant supply. Once we take you on as a customer and you provide us with your monthly usage, we will do our best to always keep you in supply. Even if product gets tight, we will never sell out our existing customers, even if offered a higher price.

Cajun Boy Brand is committed to be a long-term viable supplier. We know that with our constant supply and high quality products, we can build our seafood business together with our customers.